
Prima Home Test

Prima Home Test

  • Prima Helicobacter Pylori Antigen Test (1 Test)

    Prima Home Test

    Helicobacter Pylori Antigen Test (1 Test)

    MSRP: ¥3,420.71
    Prima Helicobacter Pylori Antigen Test is a bacterium, whose ideal habitat is the human gastric mucosa, causing an often asymptomatic infection of the gastrointestinal tract. Sometimes the presence of this bacterium can cause gastritis and ulcers in...
    MSRP: ¥3,420.71
  • prima Prostate PSA Test (1 Test)

    Prima Home Test

    Prostate PSA Test (1 Test)

    MSRP: ¥3,849.37
    Prima Prostate-PSA Test controls the level of PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) in blood, in order to check a possible prostate alteration. Benefits: Intended for men aged over 45, who don’t have symptom but wish to check their...
    MSRP: ¥3,849.37
  • Prima Celiac Disease Test (1 Test)

    Prima Home Test

    Celiac Disease Test (1 Test)

    MSRP: ¥3,420.71
    Prima Celiac Test has the function of checking the presence of specific antibodies against DGP, both IgA and IgG, within the blood, in order to verify a possible presence of celiac disease, which must be confirmed by a physician. WHAT IS CELIAC TEST...
    MSRP: ¥3,420.71
  • Prima Home Test Vitamin D Test

    Prima Home Test

    Vitamin D Test (1 Test)

    MSRP: ¥3,849.37
    Prima Home Test Vitamin D Test is intended for people who are commonly at risk of vitamin D deficiency, such as those who get tired and weary easily, have poor sun exposure, have a limited oral intake or an impaired intestinal absorption...
    MSRP: ¥3,849.37
  • Prima Menopause FSH Test (2 Test)

    Prima Home Test

    Menopause FSH Test (2 Test)

    MSRP: ¥3,420.71
    Prima Menopause FSH Test checks the level of FSH hormone (Follicle-Stimulating Hormone) in urine in order to verify a possible high value. This change generally begins around 45 years of age, but the real signs appear towards the age of 55...
    MSRP: ¥3,420.71