What is Ayurvedic Medicine?
Ayurveda is a type of natural healing that focuses on the connection between the body and the mind. According to ancient texts written in Sanskrit, it is believed to have been started thousands of years ago by men in India who were sages. These sages received valuable medical knowledge from Hindu gods who wanted to help humans. The Hindu god of medicine named Dhanvantari seemed to have the greatest influence since he is mentioned frequently as being the god of Ayurveda. While the legends say tha
4th Apr 2019
Amazing Health Benefits Of Turmeric
If you have ever heard about turmeric, definitely you must have also heard about its numerous uses aside from being used as a staple spice for cooking. It has served amazingly as an element of holistic medicine, used as a colouring agent in cosmetics, and also for thousands of years, provided the world several health benefits.This vibrant yellowish-orange root is, no doubt, a natural wonder and a blessing to humanity. Being one of the ginger family, turmeric also has its most active ingredient t
7th Oct 2018