The Secrets of Aged Garlic

The Secrets of Aged Garlic

Many generations of people have understood the value of garlic and it’s secrets to promoting health, and in the treatment of various diseases. Aging garlic creates kyolic garlic. This removes the garlic odor, while keeping allicin and other useful garlic ingredients intact. Aged garlic contains antioxidants. These help in ridding the body of free radicals that can increase the risk of many serious health issues. 

Kyolic Garlic and Hypertension
Cardiovascular disease is a silent killer. Trial studies have been conducted on aged garlic extracts and concluded that it can help reduce blood pressure. This can help anyone with hypertension, which can be related to high blood pressure. Stroke is also associated with high blood pressure. Supplement forms need to contain rather high degrees of allicin, the active ingredient that works to restore normal blood pressure.
Kyolic aged garlic extract nz preserves allicin in it’s highest form. Garlic also reduces LDL cholesterol, for those with high cholesterol levels.

Kyolic Garlic and Immune Function
Since days of old, garlic has been known to help bolster the immune system. It’s antioxidants assist in helping the body ward off colds and flu. Different trial studies have shown that it can reduce the severity of a cold, as well as shorten the days spent on recovering from symptoms. Some studies say the evidence of this still needs to be determined. More studies are needed. Adding aged garlic may contribute to fewer colds, so it’s worth can be measured in the ability to catch fewer colds. Modern science is catching up to the powerful benefits. Ancient medical wisdom and the benefits of alternative medicines can promote overall good health.

Garlic Safety
If pregnant or breastfeeding, aged garlic is considered generally a safe supplement. Taking kyolic aged garlic extract nz supplements is of the highest quality available. Being a natural blood thinner, precautions need to be taken for those who take blood thinning medicines. Medications such as anti-inflammatory drugs need to be considered and certain birth control. If taking any of these medications, a discussion with a doctor can prove valuable in making a decision to start a supplement program.

The Kyolic Aged Garlic Extract Range
Vita Health are proud stockist of Kyolic Aged Garlic Extract in NZ, we are thrilled to be carrying a number of products from their range. These include:

Kyolic Aged Garlic Extract Original Formula

Kyolic Aged Garlic Extract Cholesterol Formula

Kyolic Aged Garlic Extract Vegetarian Cardiovascular Formula

Kyolic Aged Garlic Extract Candida Cleanse and Digestive Formula

Kyolic Aged Garlic Extract Blood Sugar Balance

Kyolic Aged Garlic Extract Blood Pressure Formula

22nd May 2019 VitaHealth

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