Happy for Hemp
Building Lean Muscle: How This Secret Ingredient Might Revolutionise Your PhysiqueAs anyone that has ventured into a gym knows, building muscle and shedding pounds can be a painful journey filled with countless hours of lifting weights, enduring grueling cardio workouts and tracking calories. What if there were a way of achieving those same results with a new ingredient that helps you recover faster and build lean muscle? Fortunately for our readers located in New Zealand, hemp has become legali
4th Mar 2019
Minerals and Their Benefits
Many people don’t know the difference between vitamins and minerals. A vitamin tends to be a complex molecule while a mineral tends to be an element. Most are necessary for human life and health.Boron Boron is an essential mineral for nutritional support of bone, hormonal and menopausal health. Boron helps your body to metabolize key vitamins and minerals, and it also affects estrogen and testosterone levels. Boron is a mineral found naturally in food like leafy greens like kale and spinach
25th Feb 2019
Vitamins And Their Functions
There are many different types of vitamins and knowing the difference between them can often be a daunting challenge. For example, if you ask any random person what vitamin B12 is responsible for within the body and what food sources contain it, you would likely get a blank stare as a response to the question. It is, however, very important to know what role vitamins play in building our bodies and keeping us safe. The more you know about the subject, the more you can optimize your diet to benef
19th Feb 2019
What are Amino Acids and their Functions
Amino acids are most commonly referred to as the building blocks of proteins. The chemical reactions that take place in the human body are facilitated by enzymes that are made up of these acids. They are responsible for transporting nutrients throughout the body via the bloodstream. There are a total of 22 amino acids. Of these, nine are classified as essential amino acids. These cannot be produced within the body. They must be obtained through diet.THE 9 ESSENTIAL AMINO ACIDS AND THEIR MAIN FUN
19th Feb 2019
Amazing Health Benefits Of Turmeric
If you have ever heard about turmeric, definitely you must have also heard about its numerous uses aside from being used as a staple spice for cooking. It has served amazingly as an element of holistic medicine, used as a colouring agent in cosmetics, and also for thousands of years, provided the world several health benefits.This vibrant yellowish-orange root is, no doubt, a natural wonder and a blessing to humanity. Being one of the ginger family, turmeric also has its most active ingredient t
7th Oct 2018