Empty Capsules New Zealand FAQ's
1. How many capsules does the filler machine hold?Each Cap-M-Quik Capsule Filling Machine holds 50 capsules.2. Can the capsule machine be used for different size capsules?No. Each capsule filler is specific to its capsule. For instance, a
size '1' filler will only fit size '1' capsules. Size '0' will only
work with '0' capsules, etc. Some confusion exists because there are
only two tampers, size 1/0 and size 00/000. But the filler itself is
exclusive to the capsule size.3. What sizes of
1st Aug 2019
10 Amazing Health Benefits of Ashwagandha
Ashwagandha is one of the most powerful herbs that has been used in Ayurvedic medicine since ancient times. The scientific name of ashwagandha is Withania somnifera and has been apart of the Ayurveda traditional system of medicine since 6000BC. Ashwagandha has been used as a tonic, narcotic, astringent, diuretic, stimulant and thermogenic in Ayurveda since then.The ashwagandha plant is a small shrub with yellow flowers and it is native to India and North Africa. Its name comes from Sanskrit
16th Jul 2019
Read This Before Buying Collagen Supplements
Nature seems to have a way of tipping the scales toward youth, but science can balance the unfair advantage. The entirely natural process of ageing makes the body slow the production of collagen, the protein that makes skin look young, fresh and resilient. Scientists have discovered how to replace the
collagen that age takes away. Our
collagen supplements help your skin achieve the soft and supple feel that you love to touch.
Understanding the Importance of Collagen
best coll
18th Jun 2019
The Secrets of Aged Garlic
Many generations of people have understood the value of garlic and it’s secrets to promoting health, and in the treatment of various diseases. Aging garlic creates kyolic garlic. This removes the garlic odor, while keeping allicin and other useful garlic ingredients intact. Aged garlic contains antioxidants. These help in ridding the body of free radicals that can increase the risk of many serious health issues. Kyolic Garlic and HypertensionCardiovascular disease is a silent killer. Trial
22nd May 2019
Who is Dr. Joel Wallach?
How Dr. Joel Wallach Advocates for Youthfulness through YoungevityAlso referred to as the mineral doctor, Dr. Joel Wallach is a veterinarian, colloidal mineral promoter, author, and speaker. He is also a Nobel Prize Nominee, Agricultural Expert, as well as a Visionary. Joel Wallach has over 30 years of experience in the field of medicine. He observes and researchers the impact of individual nutrients on health. He spearheaded the groundbreaking research on the extensive health benefits of seleni
8th May 2019