
Multi-Omega Oils

Multi-Omega Oils

  • Oyster Vitality - 60 Capsules

    Everyday Health

    Oyster Vitality - 60 Capsules

    MSRP: ¥2,205.25
    Everyday Health Oyster Vitality is the dried meat of the oyster that has been powdered. It contains all 59 of the trace elements needed by the body, vitamins, amino acids, taurine, omega 3 & 6 fish oils and it is the highest natural source...
    MSRP: ¥2,205.25
  • Hemp Seed Oil 1000mg - 240 Softgels Hemp Seed Oil 1000mg - 240 Softgels

    Hemp Connect

    Hemp Seed Oil 1000mg - 240 Softgels

    MSRP: ¥4,409.62
    Hemp Connect Hemp Seed Oil Capsules are filled with a smooth oil that is slowly cold-pressed, filtered and encapsulated in New Zealand. The translucent green oil contains over 75% essential fatty acids, with the perfect ratio of Omega-3 and Omega-6...
    MSRP: ¥4,409.62
  • Out of stock
    Body Essentials Pack Beyond Tangy Tangerine® 2.0 – 480g canister


    Essential 90 Starter Pack

    MSRP: ¥13,692.84
    Youngevity Essential 90 Starter Pack contains all 90 essential nutrients as prescribed by Dr Joel Wallach. Also available with Tangy Tangerine Tablets If you already eat right and maintain a healthy lifestyle this is the kit for you! Each...
    MSRP: ¥13,692.84
  • Out of stock
    Flaxomega Flaxseed Oil - 150 Capsules

    Good Health

    Flaxomega Flaxseed Oil - 150 Capsules

    MSRP: ¥3,969.45
    Good Health Flaxomega™ Flaxseed Oil Capsules is one of the best natural plant sources of both omega 3 and 6 essential fatty acids (EFAs). EFAs are vital for health, however they are unable to be made in the body so it is important...
    MSRP: ¥3,969.45
  • Ultimate EFA Plus - 90 Softgels Ultimate EFA Plus - 90 Softgels


    Ultimate EFA Plus - 90 Softgels

    MSRP: ¥5,578.40
    Youngevity Ultimate EFA Plus is a proprietary blend of essential fatty acids from Borage, Flax, and Fish Oils. Used as part of a healthy diet, essential fatty acids may support the body in many ways, especially cardiovascular health. IFOS...
    MSRP: ¥5,578.40
  • Out of stock
    Essential 90 Starter Pack (BTT Tablets) Essential 90 Starter Pack (BTT Tablets)


    Essential 90 Starter Pack (BTT Tablets)

    MSRP: ¥12,272.66
    Youngevity Essential 90 Starter Pack contains all 90 essential nutrients as prescribed by Dr Joel Wallach. If you already eat right and maintain a healthy lifestyle this is the kit for you! Each Pack contains all of the 90 essential...
    MSRP: ¥12,272.66
  • Out of stock
    Solagr Omega 3-6-9 (High Potency) - 120 Softgels


    Omega 3-6-9 (High Potency) - 120 Softgels

    MSRP: ¥4,842.73
    Solgar Omega 3-6-9 provides a blend of three premium oils – Fish, Flax and Borage, which all contribute essential fatty acids necessary for supporting general health and well-being.

 These essential fatty acids support the health and function...
    MSRP: ¥4,842.73